Everything I remembered to forget in 2020 is a lesson learned for a reset in the new year

Okay, it has been a year. You know, in fact, this past year has been, well, I am constrained by decency to say what I really want to say. On both a professional and personal level, 2020 has been one long teaching moment. Sure, it might be the longest minute in the history of minutes, but the lessons learned have been duly noted.

I laughed. I cried. I winced. I screamed. I laughed some more. And with each emotion, each second of trying to decipher what the next moment might bring, I learned that no matter what happens, I can stand my ground. That meant something.

If you think about it, you can say the same thing. Here we are on the cusp of another new adventure. A new year. New goals. New promises made. New promises broken. New ways of figuring out how to do what we do.

The biggest lesson? Is that what you want to know? The biggest lesson(s) I learned are as follows:

As for you, the craft spirit world, there may not be a more spirited, committed, passionate bunch of people. Embracing the New Normal meant finding innovative ways to keep things moving forward. Curbside pickups. New partnerships. Pivots into new and exciting avenues (hand sanitizer anyone?).

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey in a year that none of us will forget anytime soon. Here’s to what 2021 holds for each of us.

Okay, I said my peace about you 2020, now move along.

Story by Michael J. Pallerino, editor of Craft Brand & Marketing magazine. Over the past 30-plus years, he has won numerous awards, including the “Jesse H. Neal Editorial Achievement Award,” recognized as the Pulitzer Prize for business-to-business magazines. He can be reached at mikep@ccr-mag.com.