Craft brewing’s rise has contributed to the vitality of contemporary music. Conversely, many of today’s musical artists are supporters of craft brewing.

In many ways, craft brewing and music are inseparably intertwined.  For so many breweries, music is an integral part of the taproom scene and schedule. Craft breweries often organize and/or sponsor music festivals as well.

Similarly, musical artists are attracted by the craft brewing community.  Particularly with artists of the American Roots music genre, there are shared aesthetics. Difference being only choice of medium: music or malt liquid.

For Singer/songwriter/producer John Condron the two “art media” are especially close. In a career of three decades, John has been active in both the Indie Rock and American Roots genres. He has traveled the world, performed in prestigious venues. John also has been a supporter and promoter  of craft brewing and the “drink local” movement for decades. Here’s John’s take on his experiences…

“Years ago, when I was touring as a rock band, we’d roll into town, seek out the coolest pub or bar we could find. We always said, ‘give me something local.’ It was a way to immediately experience the community as well as start conversation.”

Those early, vagabond years found Condron in Joliet, IL where he settled and put down roots. Through John’s penchant for “local community” networking, he became co-owner of a retail, on-premise establishment named Chicago Street Pub. About 12 years ago, John and his partner Mike Trizna shifted their emphasis to promoting craft brewing. Before long, they had a dozen handles dedicated to craft. And, were the first ones in the area to do so. A whole bunch good has happened since then. Chicago Street today is the “go to” place in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago for craft brewing and original music. Trizna ultimately founded Hopstring, a festival celebration of craft brewing and music.

“I like to argue that touring, gigging musicians like me helped build the craft brewing movement. Many, many of us support it.” And JC knows his  brew.

Look for more musings on craft brew and music in upcoming issues of Craft Brand & Marketing Magazine. A conversation with John Condron is always interesting!